CamRant: HockeyMania

CamRant: HockeyMania

Makes a great Christmas present! Dummy Cow.

Microsoft debuts it’s beta version of Start. Anyone else think it’s kinda ugly?

Canada’s Daily Marketing News Source:

British Broadcasting Company (BBC) Online. Ah….I remember watching loads of BBC programmes as an American kid living in England. Channel 4 was surely a better station, though. They had great shows like Chocky and and cartoons like SuperTed

Upside: The dirt behind Brill’s Content, a new Tech magazine for the Tech insiders.

Posted by Cameron Barrett at June 18, 1998 04:28 PM

MS Linux Screenshot

A screenshot from yesterday before Microsoft took down

News for Nerds: This guy is Michigan-based….cool

What do you do five years from now when your current database (that only supports text-based information) stops being as functional and expandable as you’d like? Better start looking at systems like Jasmine from Computer Associates International, Inc. now.

Cogito is a software environment for knowledge interaction. Fundamental to this environment is how it stores information. Our information (computer) industry has grown up storing information in documents. Since we always used documents to share information, it seemed logical to store our information this way. Much of our electronic information today is in some form of document or diagram. Documents make terrific methods of information communication, but are very inefficient methods of knowledge retention.”

Posted by Cameron Barrett at June 16, 1998 02:37 PM

Microsoft Uses Linux

I use this guy’s scripts quite often since they are free. Can you believe that he’s only 18!

Another smart 18-year old. And another 18-year old making money off the web.

These kids are our future. I’m starting to see a whole new paradigm shift in the way companies do business. From the traditional top-down hierarchical business management style to a bottom-up style, new start-ups are embracing these new technologies and using them to their fullest potential. A word to the wise for large corporations: Start listening to your younger employees. They may know a lot more than you think.

Hmmm….what is Microsoft up to? Coming soon: MS Linux?

Update: Microsoft must have decided this was bad PR. For those who missed it, this URL took you to a page that was a default installation page for RedHat and Apache, a Linux-based webserver. But, here’s some more Miscrosoft machines running Linux and various other OS’es:

Posted by Cameron Barrett at June 15, 1998 02:36 PM

New Features on Camworld

Do you like the new design? Please note that many of the existing pages may not get a facelift. I’ve also created new subsections: Rants, Screwed, List, & Misc. These are categories that I’ve added in the past year. I’ve moved the Techno category to Misc., along with Scripting, & Classes

Elevator Surfing.

Do you have a site on AOL? Do you publish your writings there? If so, you could have some trouble.

This site is launching June 18: But you can check it out now!.

Another online-advertising catch-all: SearchZ.

Posted by Cameron Barrett at June 14, 1998 02:35 PM

Camworld Turns 1

Happy Birthday! CamWorld turns one year old today. One year of stuff.

More important news: I’ve been selected as one of 300 people in the Detroit area to try out for Jeopardy! My testing is on June 25. I’ll keep everyone here informed about how I do.

This magazine is really good: Fast Company.

Industry Standard: Banner Ads With a Few More Brains.

Industry Standard: Unleashing the Killer App. I’m reading this book right now. I highly recommend it.

Another good read: Marketing Warfare.

Posted by Cameron Barrett at June 11, 1998 02:33 PM

Notes on a Cool June Night

So, there’s a few movies I want to go see, but have been just way too busy to do anything.

The new Disney film made using the Japanese style of animation and mosly animated by animation firms in Japan. The first mostly-foriegn produced movie for Disney. It looks good.

Truman Show

This looks excellent. A very original idea, for sure. It’s refreshing to see Hollywood produce something other than the shoot-em-up poorly directed crap.

Phil Hartman

That’s to bad about Phil Hartman. He was a very funny man. Surely he will be missed. I hope the producers of Newsradio don’t try to replace him with some cheey hack. They’d be better off to play up the talents of their other actors, especially Andy Dick. He has the potential for being a break-out star.

Spencer, SD

Wow, an entire town literally wiped off the face of the earth. Ironically, we used to travel through this little town on our way out West. As a kid I lived in several locations in South Dakota. Tornados were very common but they rarely ever caused the destruction this little town saw. One of my most vivid memories of my childhood is everyone running around the house putting on rain and storm gear heading out into the dark sky to round up the stray cattle. Cattle get hit by lightning pretty often in open pasture. We used to call the suction mud out there South Dakota gumbo because it had the consisitency of a thick soup/stew.

These are my thoughts on this cool June night, and re-runs on TV.

Time to read a book…

Posted by Cameron Barrett at June 2, 1998 11:59 PM