There are some good papers from the latest HFWeb Conference held back in June:
- The Value Of Interactions: The Role of User Experience Design in Web Business
- Cultural Dimensions and Global Web User-Interface Design: What? So What? Now What?
- A Framework for Organizing Web Usability Guidelines
- Creating a user-driven development process: in web time
Johns Hopkins: Center for Talented Youth: Study of Exceptional Talent
Office Jesus Will Work Miracles for Food
Sun Microsystems to Ship Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) for Palm Powered Handhelds Jef Raskin on Alan Cooper
What is the All Terrain Viewer?
MSDN: Designing Accessible Applications
Netscape White Paper: The Networked Enterprise White Paper
User Interfaces: Survey Information and Thoughts
iPlanet: Reusable Routines for Server-Side JavaScript
Posted by Cameron Barrett at December 21, 2000 04:56 PM