DOJ requires new error message in all Microsoft applications.
Dave is doing a much better job at representing the various opinions about Microsoft than I ever could, so if you’re looking for a bunch of stuff to read, head on over to today’s Scripting News.
DaveNet: What the Web Wants [I don’t agree with everything Dave’s saying, but he makes some excellent points.]
Cam: A World Without Microsoft
These pictures tell a story: 1, 2, 3. Ack! [If you’ve eaten recently, you might want to skip this.]
Wow, the level of IE arrogance in this email [forwarded to me by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous] is astonishing. Perhaps this company needs to learn some lessons in customer service?
Michael Kimsal: Tips For Effective Email
Posted by Cameron Barrett at June 8, 2000 08:32 PM