Well, we finally launched the new version of Borders.com. Feel free to send feedback.
And to celebrate, half the team is flying to San Francisco this weekend to blow off some steam. If you’re in the Bay Area, drop me a line and you can show me all the wonderful coffee shops I keep hearing about.
Hmmmm…..Amazon’s stock has a “stated book value of 79 cents.” Fascinating post.
The WELL’s Online Writing Contest ends today. [Thanks, Rebecca.]
Who else thinks barnesandnoble.com’s IPO is gonna flop? We’ll see.
This Church of Scientology gets weirder and weirder. Of course there’s people like Grady Ward who are “resisting Scientology’s attack on the Internet.“
Building Your Brand, One Hero at a Time. I wrote a related piece back in August.
Huh? I can’t quite figure out this article. I guess I need to freshen up my knowledge of Malaysia’s laws.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at October 1, 1998 02:11 AM