Last week, a developer named Joe Stump and I built out my latest idea involving community, personal news management and online discussion. It is called Today’s Papers:
Simply put, Today’s Papers is a news aggregator (like Google News) that provides a discussion thread for every article that comes through a subscribed feed. This means that you can now talk about news articles with other people even if the originating source does not have a discussion area on their site. Additionally, each news article gets it own unique ID which allows us to provide a Trackback service for it.
We’re only subscribed to 110 feeds right now, and that number will certainly go up as we fine-tune the best combination of sources so that the right kind of information comes through to the site. We’ll also remove feeds that are underperforming or are pushing news that our community shows no interest in.
We’re working on expanding the features of Today’s Papers, and your advice and opinions are welcome. Let us know what you want out of a automated news aggregator and a centralized discussion community for the daily news.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at June 1, 2004 03:15 AM