Weblogger’s Dilemna: Over the past few weeks I’ve discovered a few sites that I’ve badly wanted to link to because they are truly quite amazing. But I am reluctant to link because I know my traffic will possibly cause them to exceed their bandwidth limit or possibly shut down altogether. I know that if I provide the link it will get picked up by others and make the rounds. I don’t want these sites to go away, but I also want to inform my readers and peers about them. I’m frustrated because I have no real answer to this problem.
Good article from Meg Hourihan about user interface design for web applications.
Yeah, fashion and culture runs in a 20-year cycle. The 80’s are back.
We all know Verisign (a.k.a. Network Solutions) sucks. It’s time to Google-bomb them and perhaps they will fix their pathetic and broken domain registration security processes. I transferred all of my domains from NetSol a long time ago, probably one of the best things I’ve done in a long time. I suggest you do the same.
Foreign Policy: Excellent article on Japan’s hip 20-something culture and how it is spreading around the world.
Redneck Neighbor: “There’s a working disco ball hanging on their ceiling fan.“
Interesting. Adobe has won a favorable jury verdict in their legal case against Macromedia that claims Macromedia is infringing upon a patent owned by Adobe regarding reconfigurable tabbed palettes. Macromedia has to pay Adobe $2.8 million and I imagine work out a license deal for the patented technology if they want to continue to use this type of user interface implementation.
Ugh, I realize that Macromedia Flash is a nice technology and has some great uses, but I think that trying to replace existing Web infrastructure with their own is a very bad idea:
“Macromedia’s MX architecture, which seeks to replace parts of today’s web infrastructure with something faster, more powerful and more flexible, comprises client, server and development tools. The client – a “rich” one like the traditional Microsoft Windows environment – is based on the new Flash MX.”
O’Reilly has announced a Mac OS X conference to be held September 30-October 3, 2002. Awesome!
The perennial question: Should Sun Open-Source Java?
Posted by Cameron Barrett at May 6, 2002 02:58 PM