Whoo-hoo! Back from SXSW. The guy on the plane next me was a fart machine that looked like Walter Mitty. Other ethan that, the trip back was uneventful. Shared the flight from Austin to Atlanta with Jack and Elan. Heh.
Mozilla Conference: Lots of SXSW attendees probably heard me talk to them about Mozilla and how cool it really is. What’s even cooler is my employer is sponsoring the first ever Mozilla developer’s conference next month (April 7) to coincide with the Mozilla 3 party. If you’re a Mozilla developer or are interested in web application development using Mozilla, I’ll see you in Mountain View. [Oh yeah, free t-shirts and pizza.]
The O’Reilly Open Source Convention is July 17-21. One of the main technology tracks is Mozilla. Given the fact that this is an O’Reilly conference, the panels and speakers are going be simply amazing.
Dack has a web economy bullshit generator. You go, Dack.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at March 15, 2000 01:19 PM