The Families Who Negotiated with ISIS

“They were the parents of five Americans who had been kidnapped in Syria. The Federal Bureau of Investigation had warned the families not to talk publicly about their missing children—and the captors had threatened to kill their hostages if word leaked out—so each family had been going to work and to church month after month and reassuring colleagues and neighbors and relatives that nothing was wrong, only to come home and face new threats and ransom demands.”

Anti-intellectualism Is Killing America

“America is killing itself through its embrace and exaltation of ignorance, and the evidence is all around us.”

JohnCornyn on Twitter: “Millions whose coverage may be temporarily disrupted by King v Burwell will have no one but President Obama to blame for flawed law.”

RT @ThePlumLineGS: GOP: Ocare is to blame for your loss of Ocare. We’ll protect you by restoring it before repealing it entirely.