CamWorld T-shirts! If you are attending SXSW this weekend and next week and would like a free CamWorld t-shirt, tomorrow is your last chance to email me and request one. I am only bringing enough to pass out to those who have requested one. If you’ve already requested one, you don’t need to email me again.
If you’d like to place an order for a shirt, to be fulfilled whan I return from SXSW, you may do so now. Simply send me $10 via PayPal (don’t forget to send me your U.S. mailing address) and I’ll mail them out in about a week. I will post some pictures of people wearing CamWorld t-shirts from SXSW. For you ladies, I even have a limited number of women’s ribbed fitted tees, very similar to this shirt in both white and ash grey. All the Men’s tees are in white with the CamWorld box logo near the breast pocket area.
Though, at times, Cringely’s Pulpit essays are over-the-top and sensationalistic, he does present some very intriguing ideas and often puts a spin or perspective on news that is unlike the typical mainstream press. That alone makes his stuff worth reading. Like this week’s essay.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at March 7, 2002 04:32 PM