User-Centered Design for VoiceXML Applications
WebTechniques: Whipping Users into Shape
New virus spreads using Acrobat files. This is a bit misleading since it requires the presence of both Acrobat and Outlook for the virus to spread. Acrobat is just the delivery mechanism. Outlook is the propagation mechanism for this vvirus. Stop using Outlook and the virus is negated. And a new acronym is born: Just Another Outlook Virus (JAOV).
Winterspeak: The Joy of Plaintext. “The real reason Microsoft hates plaintext is because it makes lock-in impossible.”
Tim O’Reilly: Open Source Needs Leadership?
Emerging Technologies links:
- These Emerging Technologies Will Change Public Libraries
- Digital Library Federation: How and Why Are Libraries Changing?
- Institute for the Future: Emerging Technologies Research Area
- From 1994: Emerging Technologies for Independent Living (Interesting pre-Web report, think about how this now that Section 508 is law)
- White Paper: Cellular & Personal Communications Service (PCS) Networking Technologies
From 1996: Securing Communications on the Intranet and Over the Internet
Knowledge Networking. “The Knowledge Networking (KN) initiative focuses on the integration of knowledge from different sources and domains
across space and time. Modern computing and communications systems provide the infrastructure to send bits
anywhere, anytime in mass quantities-radical connectivity.”
Team Knowledge Management: A Computer-Mediated Approach
Modeling Work: Workflow and Task Modeling (PDF)
Wisdom – A UML based architecture for interactive systems (PDF)
A Software Development Process for Small Projects (PDF)
I love irony.
OnJava: Java and XML Web Services, Part I
Books: On the plane trip back from Seattle, I finished reading Angry Young Spaceman by Jim Munroe. I highly recommend it. I also started reading:
- Breaking Windows: How Bill Gates Fumbled the Future of Microsoft, by Bavid Bank
- A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail, by Bill Bryson
- The End of Twins: A Memoir of Losing a Brother, by Saul Diskin
Next up:
- To Say Nothing of the Dog, by Connie Willis
- A Separate Peace, by John Knowles
Yes, I normally read four or five books at a time.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at August 8, 2001 08:57 PM