On my to-read list: The Journal of Experimental Fiction
From 1997: Multimedia Theory and Experimental Fiction
Doc Searls reports on Day One of the O’Reilly Open Source Conference.
First Monday: The IMLS Digital Cultural Heritage Community Project: A Case Study of Tools for Effective Project Management and Collaboration
Icon & Interface Design Studies (bibliography)
Journal of Design Science: A Web Site is a Public Place. Nice article that reminds me of the thoughts I had about wayfinding a while back.
Allen Cypher: Bringing Programming to End Users
Extending Document Management Systems with User-Specific Active Properties
What disturbs me the most about the Bush Administration’s big “tax rebate” is that it’s not really a rebate at all. In fact, it’s an “advance payment” on this year’s tax credit. This means that if you underpay your taxes this year, the $300-$600 you receive within the next few months actually works against you. Even for Republicans, this is a pretty sneaky accounting trick.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at July 26, 2001 12:05 PM