The New Methodology (of Software Development)
From 1992: What is Software Design?
AppleLinks: One Dead Opossum. Excellent essay on Microsoft’s latest strategy. [via Have Browser, Will Travel]
Steve Gibson: Microsoft Does Not Understand Security. What This Means About the Future of Denial of Service. And Microsoft’s response.
Steve Gibson: Why Windows XP will be the Denial of Service Exploitation Tool of Choice for Internet Hackers Everywhere
Mini-rant: Why is it that people haven’t figured out how to do their own online research? I constantly get email from people asking me to help them research something I once pointed to or wrote about. I ignore most of these requests, but on a few occasions my curiosity got the better of me and I hit Google to see how easy it was to find the very information these people were looking for. And almost every time (with a few exceptions) I’ve been able to find it in under three minutes. Hello people, are you that clueless that you don’t know how to do a search query? Or are you just plain lazy? Update: Tara emailed me and said to “tell them to read Research Buzz.” Yeah!
I’m a monopoly. You’re a monopoly. Wouldn’t you like to be a monopoly too?
The Open Source Quality Project
The Federal Open Source Conference
Posted by Cameron Barrett at July 3, 2001 03:05 PM