Microsoft drops Smart Tags from Windows XP. Thank you!
VA Linux is dropping out of the Linux hardware market and laying off 35 percent of its staff. This may be a sign that they’re prepping themselves for acquisition.
Slashdot: Using MSDN requires a Microsoft Passport account
Linux Magazine: What is Required for GCC to Support Microsoft’s .NET? [via Hack the Planet]
O’ReillyNet: Microsoft Plans Shared Source .NET
The Struggle Against Microsoft. Some interesting links.
Support Group for People Used by Microsoft. Heh.
From 1999: Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX
Interesting. Somehow I missed this Microsoft Defense Site last summer, as sponsored by the Ayn Rand Institute.
Junkbusters: Microsoft and Privacy
Star Trek TNG Meets Microsoft. Old, but funny.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at June 27, 2001 07:27 PM