Hey, I’m working on a new design for CamWorld. I want to get as much feedback on this new dynamically-rendering template as possible before I port the rest of the site to it. Please let me know if you have problems or experience any weird browser behaviors. Some of the graphics aren’t finalized yet, like the cool little box in the logo. That’s just a placeholder for something else.
As limiting as Apache’s SSI commands are, I’m able to do a surprising amount of dynamic rendering.
From bendypig.com comes an interesting little essay about the Millennium.
I picked up a book this weekend at Borders. It’s Fleeting Memories: Cognition of Brief Visual Stimuli by Veronika Coltheart, from MIT Press. I havent read it yet, but it looks simply fascinating, and may help me better understand the psychology behind interface design and metaphorical representation. There’s also Shockwave-based visual cognition experiments at this supporting site, but I can’t get them to load, even after I went and installed the most recent player.
Boycott Amazon. This call goes out as an attempt to bring attention to the ridiculousness of the “1-click shopping” patent Amazon was recently awarded. Because I work for a major Amazon.com competitor, all I can say is, “There have been meetings.”
Posted by Cameron Barrett at December 13, 1999 01:19 PM