“Dude, you bought a chick car!“. [found at This is News] For the record, I drive a 1995 Jetta.
camworld.org and camworld.org now point to this web site. [Depending on your ISP, propagation will take another 24 hours]
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: Search for a trademark. [Useful!]
Bruce Tognazzini talks about the advent of a truly personal computer network where access to private files is available from anywhere on the globe. He gets pretty deep into the concept of security vs. privacy and what can be done to make global networks more secure.
The morons were probably trying to scam the Mafia or something.
Intresting chat transcript about the Danny Glover taxicab incident.
So, I’m watching the new game show “Greed” in FOX. It’s a complete rip-off of the other prime-time game show, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” except the questions are incredibly easy.
Amazon.com has switched their servers to Apache. [via Apacheweek]
Posted by Cameron Barrett at November 4, 1999 01:33 PM