Regarding the iterative designs of CamWorld, I’m starting to think about dropping the entire site into a content management system. Likely this will be a PHP/MySQL setup that uses some kind of template to render the pages. I’m seeking opinions about the various content management systems people are using. I have already ruled out using UserLand Frontier and Vignette Storyserver because of the high overhead costs. Requirements: must run on Apache or as a CGI.
Byte: A Stupid Decision by Microsoft.
Oh my God, you can read the webmaster’s email. [Now disabled]
There’s no such thing as “free“. Another popular saying that rings true: “You get what you pay for.”
From Microsoft’s site:
The AREA element is not rendered and requires a closing tag.
From W3:
Start tag: required, End tag: forbidden
Victims of Credit Reporting. [This is very valuable info!]
Research Challenge: I recently registered the domain and put up a simple placeholder until I have time to develop the site. In the two weeks I’ve owned the domain I’ve received nearly two dozen requests for information, misdirected mail, or cryptic messages that are probably not intended for me. So, I’ve been trying to find out if there was a previous owner of the domain, what kind of company it was, and what they sold but have found very little. Let’s see what you can turn up.
New Reviews:
- Movie: The Blair Witch Project
- Book: The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, Stephen King
- Travel: American Samoa
I’ve earned a whole $1.11 in eroyalties from At this rate I’ll be a millionaire in 4936.44 years.
OK, so yeah, it’s juvenile, but it’s pretty damn funny.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at September 20, 1999 01:31 PM