CamRant: Anatomy of a WebLog.
I made some modifications to the layout of this page. If it looks funky in your browser, send me a screenshot and the OS/browser you’re using.
If you’re a weblog or news site editor, send me your recommendations for the new resource boxes to the right.
Craig Mitchell has posted the latest chapter of “She Hates My Futon.“
Nice and easy…yeah, that’s the ticket. Slow and steady wins the race.
PeterMe: Diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks.
News Release January 4, 1999
(AP) Redmond, Washington. Bill Gates, Chairman and CEO of Microsoft
Corporation, announced today that the lastest version of their Windows
operating system, Windows 2000, would be delayed until the second quarter of 1901. No reason was given.
Why email training should be mandatory for all newbies.
Rumor: Time/Warner in talks to buy CDNow/N2K.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at January 26, 1999 01:45 PM