Here is one of the best explanations of RGB-to-Hex color conversion I’ve ever read.
Read this and click the link provided. Whooo-eee!
Lots and lots of freeware fonts. Some good, some bad.
Color specifier for Netscape v.3x.
Hmmm, why would I want
More Microsoft whining. I love it when the bully gets his ass kicked.
The C|Net crew on board a pirate ship. Did I mention that we’ve got a pirate theme going at I’m still trying to find a lifelike cannon. Here’s a picture of our Jolly Roger.
From 1995: Going Where No Network Has Gone Before. [Cam dusts off the old bookshelves and digs up his past.]
The new Mazda Protege commercial is catchy! Charlie, the hip web guy looks like my co-worker Matt.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at October 16, 1998 02:33 AM