It’s Research Day here at CamWorld:
Christian Ørsted’s Micromarketing Thesis. One-to-one marketing, it’s all the rage.
HP’s E-Business:Mass Customization Meets the Web.
“Clinton Sells Lewinsky Sex Tapes on the Web!” Well, no, but this made me think of it.
The Impact of Interorganizational Networks on Buyer-Seller Relationships. From 1995.
What is Social Hypertext. Ah yes, that explains it.
Locating International and Interdisciplinary Environmental Data Using Internet and World Wide Web Databse Access Methods. Big words are coming out my ears!
And some great books: Design of Everyday Things, The Things That Make Us Smart: Defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine, and Turn Signals Are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles. All three by Donald A. Norman, who just happens to be an Apple Fellow. No surprise here.
Posted by Cameron Barrett at June 21, 1998 04:31 PM